
The Wyoming Archaeological Society

Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists



offered by

The Wyoming Archaeological Society

The David Reiss Memorial Field School Scholarship is awarded each year by the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Inc. and the recipient is announced at the annual spring meeting. 

The scholarships are awarded to students at accredited universities and community colleges who will be attending an archaeological field school. The amount of the award ranges from $500 to $1,500. Each applicant must have maintained at least a 3.00 overall GPA. Preference will be given to students majoring in anthropology at the University of Wyoming or one of Wyoming’s community colleges, although students from other institutions who will be attending a Wyoming field school are also encouraged to apply.

A transcript must be attached to the application. Following the award, the transcripts will be destroyed.

WAS encourages the scholarship recipient to use this support to offset the field school expenses including tuition, fees and/or transportation.

Application forms and deadlines are available at the University of Wyoming Department of Anthropology, on the web page at

Return your completed application materials to the Wyoming Archaeological Society Scholarship Committee, Spencer Pelton, 1000 E University Ave, Dept 3431, Laramie WY 82071, no later than April 1, 2023. Be sure that one (1) letter of recommendation and a transcript are also submitted with the application.