
The Wyoming Archaeological Society

Past WAS Abstracts

The purpose of this page is to provide citation for past papers and posters presented at Wyoming Archaeological Society Conferences. Most of us, at one time or another, when writing a report recalled a paper or poster given at a WAS conference that we wanted to cite but unfortunately none of us kept the conference programs.Your help is greatly needed. If you or someone you know gave a paper or a poster and it's not listed below, please email me with the authors name(s), the year it was presented, the title of the paper or poster and what city it was presented. If you have the abstract please include it. If you don't have the abstract then that's also okay. By no means will this ever be a complete list but every entry will bring us one step closer.

Click on the buttons below to view pdfs of past WAS abstracts (red buttons are new abstracts as of 5/23/22):

Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists